Selection of summer semester 1402 at Gilan University

08 07 2023
کد خبر : 3547624
تعداد بازدید : 36

Choosing a unit and how to pay tuition (click)


  Dear students all over the country, Gilan University is conducting the summer semester in person in the summer of 1402.

  Students of governmental and non-governmental higher education institutions, technical and vocational schools, Payam Noor University and Islamic Azad University are allowed to take the summer semester at Gilan University.

  Students from other universities in the country to apply for the summer semester party at Gilan University

  It has been entered into the party request system of Gilan University since 04/05/1402

  And scan the summer party form that they received from the university of origin in the relevant section and send their application after completing the details.

   It should be noted that respected students should refer to the party application system of Gilan University no later than forty-eight working hours after the date of submission of the application and proceed to receive a student number and according to the dates set in the summer semester educational calendar, select unit and pay the fee.

  Note 1: Medical science students and students whose fields of study are not available in Gilan University should select other faculties and guest fields of Gilan University in the faculty section.

  Note 2: Students of Gilan University should choose the unit based on the educational calendar after paying the fee.

  important points:

  - All registration steps in the party request system, unit selection, tuition payment are done electronically.

  - It is not possible to delete or add in the summer semester.

  - In case of choosing a unit and not withdrawing within the stipulated time, the paid tuition fee cannot be returned. Obviously, if the number of students in a class does not reach the quorum, the tuition fee will be paid after going through the administrative procedure.

  - Attendance of the student in the classes is mandatory, so the student should pay enough attention to the time of the classes and the date of the exam in order to avoid interference.

  Summer semester educational calendar

  List of courses offered

  Course fees

                                      Management of educational affairs of Gilan University