The Journal of Animal Production Research of University of Guilan, succeeded in obtaining the international profile of Scopus

12 07 2022
کد خبر : 3560065
تعداد بازدید : 13953

Animal Production Research Journal, as the first Persian-language journal in the field of animal science, has succeeded in obtaining the Scopus profile. The journal "Animal Production Research" with the concessionaire of The University of Guilan started its activity in April 2012 and published the first issue in the spring of that year. This journal is published quarterly. In January 2013, animal production research journal won scientific-research award from the National Commission for reviewing scientific publications. Since the winter of 2015, acceptance, arbitration and publication of articles in animal production research journal is done electronically and on the journal's web site at Based on the evaluation of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) in 2016, the Journal of Animal Production Research in Iran ranked first among Persian journals in the field of animal science. Also, according to the latest assessment of the Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, this journal has been ranked "A". Publishing the results of basic and applied researches related to the topic of domestic animals in this journal is done in the form of research papers, short or reviewed in Persian with extended English abstracts. Currently, this journal does not charge any fees for submitting articles or publishing accepted articles in order to support animal science research. The Journal of Animal Production Research has so far succeeded in obtaining the following domestic and international citation profiles: Scopus/ CABI/ AGRIS/ DOAJ/ ISC/ Google Scholar/ INDEX COPERNICUS/ CiteFactor/ DRJI/ Publons/ Magiran/ SID


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