University of Guilan's Faculty of Arts and Architecture held the third forum on the inquiry of actions on the innovation-district formation and the expansion of agricultural knowledge- based enterprises of the Gilan plain. UG Chancellor, Agricultural Jihad Organization general manager, research managers, deans of Agricultural and Natural Resources faculties, and chairmen and representatives of agricultural and natural resources research centers of Agricultural Jihad Organization were among the counselors of the forum.
Dr.Farid Najafi, UG Chancellor, explained the background of innovative-district formation in America, Europe, and Iran. Then he clarified the short-term, mid-term, and long-term actions toward the innovation-district formation and the expansion of agricultural knowledge-based enterprises of the Guilan plain.
Dr.Saleh Mohammadi, Agricultural Jihad Organization general manager, emphasized the importance of agriculture in the Gilan province and discussed the issues in the agricultural domain, such as water shortage, pests, and corruptive insects.
Dr.Reza Ebrahimi, UG Vice-chancellor of research and technology, emphasized the importance of the formation and constant supervision of special units working toward the actualization of the university and all agricultural research facilities potential in the Guilan province.
The formation of special committees, dependent on crop or concept, under the supervision of the Leadership Committee, the composition of agricultural research priorities in the province by the special committee and prioritizing its agricultural issues based on the data and statistics, planning toward the actualization of the formation of the agricultural innovative-district of the Gilan plain, and processing its rules and regulation under supervision were among the outcomes of this forum.