Department of Arabic Language and Literature

The Department of Arabic Language and Literature started its official activity by accepting the students of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature since 1373. A year later, with the suspension of the admission of students in the field of secretarial studies, the admission of students in the field of Arabic language and literature in day and night courses began. This process continued until 1381; But in 1382, the recruitment of students in the night course was stopped and it was replaced by the recruitment of part-time students. However, in 2016, with the decision of the faculty authorities, the recruitment of night course students was started again, and this time, the recruitment of part-time students was stopped.
This group has a language laboratory with a capacity of 25 students, which is used in providing dialogue and laboratory courses.
The Arabic language and literature department continues its educational activities with the cooperation of 5 faculty members as follows, and the management of this department is currently managed by Dr. Omid JahanBakht Layli.
The Arabic language and literature department continues its educational activities with the cooperation of 5 faculty members as follows, and the management of this department is currently managed by Dr. Omid JahanBakht Layli.
Facilities and Equipment
TeachingThe Department of Arabic Language and Literature helps to spread the concepts and teachings of Arabic literature in Iran by researching and teaching in several specialized fields. Also, with a deep understanding of interdisciplinary theories and the application of theories of psychology, sociology, linguistics, etc., and the use of content and qualitative research methods, we try to help both the theoretical progress of Arabic literature in Iran and the skills to teach the theory and practice necessary for researching and teaching Arabic language to the students of this field.
ResearchOur faculty members are often engaged in interdisciplinary research and try to provide new research to students and those interested in interdisciplinary studies by studying new theories in various human fields such as psychology, sociology, linguistics, etc. provide.