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Recent NEWS

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05 January 2025

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of the University of Guilan became the best sports faculty in Iran

14 November 2024

The presence of an academic member of The University of Guilan in the 16th national meeting of Russkiy Mir

13 November 2024

The 2nd international conference on the status of the Russian language in Iran and looking toward Eurasia was held at The University of Guilan

12 November 2024

The 17th "Harekat" International Festival was held at The University of Guilan

02 November 2024

Four faculty members of The University of Guilan were ranked among the top 1% of the most cited researchers in the world

02 November 2024

Students of the University of Guilan were chosen among the winners of the student competitions festival of the Silk Road Universities Network (SUN)

16 October 2024

Students of The University of Guilan won three medals in the Caspian International sports Games competition in Astrakhan

13 October 2024

The President of The University of Guilan at the final meeting of the Association of Presidents of Universities and Research Centers of the Caspian Sea mentioned that the academic community must react to the brutal killing of Gazans, students, and students and defend human rights and dignity.

13 October 2024

In a meeting with Dr. Mohammad Doostar, the Chancellor of the University of Guilan, the Chancellor of Astrakhan State Technical University of Russia, said that Sanctions have played a decisive role in the Islamic Republic of Iran's amazing scientific progress

12 October 2024

The chancellor of The University of Guilan in a meeting with the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Astrakhan, Russia said “We are ready to create courses related to maritime economy”



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Conferences and Workshops

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14 May, 2025

Date: May 14, 2025 Website: Conference Chairman: Dr. Ali Basti Scientific Secretary: Dr. Hossein Ali Abeddoost Executive Secretaries: Dr. Mojtaba Pourahmadi and Mohammad Zaryabi   Conference Introduction: Packaging, as one of the influential phenomena of the modern world, in addition to protecting the product from environmental factors, is considered a means of communication to present the brand image and a reference point for consumers to choose the product. In today's industrial world, packaging has become an integral part of the production and distribution cycle of goods and has involved many specialties, each having its special importance. Like scientific branches of material science and technology, economics, psychology, marketing management, printing, business, as well as the fields of art and design. Specifically, packaging design, as a determining factor in increasing income and creating jobs, is composed of two pillars: visual design and structural design. Visual design is related to type, color, and layout, which falls under the field of graphic design. Structural design is related to the design of the container structure, ergonomics, and package performance, which falls under the field of industrial design. A noteworthy point in the field of packaging design is the need for interdisciplinary linkages in this field, which has made the current field one of the most challenging branches of design. Considering the necessity of introducing Iranian goods and developing the production and export of the country's products, which has been repeatedly mentioned in recent years by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the naming of all the past years with a focus on the field of support for Iranian goods and attention to the field of production by him, the present conference is trying to examine various aspects of the subject of packaging, especially the field of packaging design. Considering that one of the main challenges of Iranian goods is related to the field of communication, branding, and packaging design, this event is trying to highlight the importance and function of this crucial field in trade, economy, and job creation by utilizing current scientific articles and inviting organizations, institutions, researchers, and designers related to the field of packaging design. Finally, this event will pave the way for the progress and promotion of the art and industry of packaging in Iran by planning and adopting the necessary policies and strategies. Conference topics: Strategies and solutions for the development of production and branding of Iranian products; The relationship between identity and packaging design; The role of advertising in packaging; Printing and its role in packaging; The relationship between packaging and technology and new communication patterns; Research on the science and technology of materials of various packaging types and their relationship with packaging design; Environment and packaging science and technology; Studies on property and intellectual property rights of packaging; Research related to economics, trade, marketing, and understanding the markets related to packaging science and technology; Study, critique, and review of Iranian packaging design in the context of political, social, and economic developments and new technologies; Future research, foresight, strategy-making, visioning, scenario-making, etc. about Iranian packaging science and technology; Pathology of methods, structures, and fields of packaging design education and proposal of new strategies and methods; And all topics related to the artistic, technical, and social dimensions of packaging design.

National Conference on Packaging Design and Innovation

15 November 2022

ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЕ ПИСЬМО № 1   Уважаемые коллеги!   Сообщаем вам, что 15 ноября 2022 г. кафедра русского языка Гилянского университета (Исламская республика Иран) проводит международную научную конференцию   «Русский язык в Иране и взгляд на Евразию»     Приглашаем специалистов в самых разных областях современного языкознания: лексикологии и грамматики, теории текста и социолингвистики, когнитивной лингвистики ,сравнительно-исторического, типологического и сопоставительного языкознания, теории межкультурной коммуникации – к участию в обсуждении проблем разных языковых единиц.  На заседаниях конференции предлагается обсудить следующие проблемы: - Лексикология и грамматика русского языка - Теория текста и социолингвистика - Когнитивная лингвистика - Сравнительно-историческое, типологическое и сопоставительное языкознание - Теории межкультурной коммуникации - Вопросы, связанные с преподаванием русского языка и литературы в Иране - Русская литература в Иране - Вопросы перевода русских текстов - Вопросы, связанные с культурой и лингвокультурой русского языка - Обучение русскому языку в период пандемии Covid 19 и онлайн-обучение - Исторические, культурные, политические и экономические подходы в отношениях Ирана и России - Историко-культурные проблемы России и Евразии - Политико-правовые вопросы в отношениях Ирана и России - Экономические вопросы в отношениях Ирана и России - Роль географии в ирано-российских отношениях - Тематика Ассоциации университетов Прикаспийских стран   Научный секретарь:           доктор Араш Голандам Исполнительный секретарь:        доктор Шахрам Набати   Сроки конференции   Дата проведения конференции 15 ноября 2022 Срок подачи заявки на участие в конференции (см.приложение) и регистрации до15 апреля  2022 Срок  отправки аннотации до 15 июля 2022 Срок отправки полной статьи до 15 сентября 2022 Организационный взнос 20 $ включает сборник научных материалов конференции и сертификат.   Адрес: Иран.  г. Решт, 5-ый        км Тегеранского  шоссе, Гилянский университет. Телефон: 33690571, почтовый ящик : 4199613376 Сайт   конференции для регистрации:  Электронная почта для отправления статей

Russian Language in Iran and a view of Eurasia

Faculty Members
History of

University of Guilan

The University of Guilan (UG) is a top Iranian university with research-based teaching and a green location. It aims to broaden students' perspectives. UG was established in 1974 as the Graduate School of Business in Rasht. In 1976, it became the 17th university in Iran with approval from the Higher Education Council. Then, through a collaborative agreement between Iran and Germany, the UG began its academic activities by enrolling 400 students in 9 fields of study. Today, with 13 faculties and 2 research institutes, the University of Guilan is the largest university in northern Iran. Currently, over 18000 students are enrolled at UG, that 40 percent of them are graduate students. UG offers over 300 programs at undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. levels. The programs incorporate both old and new knowledge and technology. One of the fundamental missions of UG is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and its understanding. UG is dedicated to enhancing education, research, and the campus environment to uphold its status as a center of excellence.