Faculty of Sciences began its educational activities since 1977 by offering 4 programs: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In 2003, a new program in Statistics was offered to the students as well. In 2009, the departments of Mathematics and Statistics separated from the Faculty of Basic Sciences and became a faculty in its own right. Currently, the faculty has 1778 students and 80 academic members
The Faculty of Science is a research and teaching powerhouse dedicated to shaping the future by pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the classroom, laboratory, and field. Through exceptional teaching, learning, and research experiences, we competitively position our students, staff, and faculty for current and future success.
There are three departments in this faculty, namely the Department of Biology, the Department of Physics and the Department of Chemistry.

Department of Biology
The Department of Biology began its activities right after the Faculty of Sciences was built and established at the University of Guilan. The department accepted its first students in 1979 ...

Department of Chemistry
The department of Chemistry began its activities at the University of Guilan in 1979. After the glorious Islamic revolution, the department continued its existence by accepting students in the field of Pure Chemistry...

Department of Physics
The Department of Physics started its activity just as the faculty of Sciences was built and established. The department accepted students first in 1979 and then expanded its activities nine years later with ...