Department of Physics

The Faculty of Basic Sciences started its educational activity in 1977 in 4 educational groups: mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Since 2003, the educational group of statistics was added to this faculty. In 2017, the fields of statistics and mathematics were detached from this faculty and started working separately and independently under the title of "The Faculty of Mathematical Sciences". The Department of Physics was established at the same time as the Faculty of Basic Sciences was established at the University of Guilan. In 1957, it started to accept students and in 1963, permission for majors was obtained from the Ministry of Science. This Department educates undergraduate students in Physics. The Bachelor of Science in Physics allows you to explore the nature of matter, energy, and their interactions, both theoretically and experimentally. In this program, you learn early on about fundamental topics like electromagnetism, wave physics, thermodynamics, and relativity. Upper-level courses then give you the opportunity to discuss advanced topics like quantum theory and fluid mechanics, applying principles of mathematics to the material world around you.
The physics department educates MSc and PhD students in Condensed matter, Nuclear physics, Optic-Laser physics, Plasma physics, High energy physics, Nanophysics (only MSc), and photonics (only MSc). More than 500 students are studying. The total number of articles published by the Department of Physics in scientific research journals registered in the university's research journal until 2023 is more than 1000 articles. Also, the number of papers accepted in the national and international conferences of the Physics Department up to the mentioned date is more than 700 titles.
Facilities and Equipment

General Physics lab: Physics I
• Measurements, Errors and Graphs
• Force table
• Rotation and torque
• Equilibrium
• Archimedes Principle and density calculation
• Projectile motion
• Friction
• Hooke's law
• Newton's law of cooling
• Collision
• Pendulum periods
• Heat capacity of calorimeter
• Joule number