Department of Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers have a critical role to play in developing engineering solutions to overcome society’s greatest and most complex challenges. They develop processes that transform raw materials into useful chemicals that enhance our quality of life. In addition to chemicals found in products used by consumers every day, chemical engineers create novel materials such as Nano scale Composites, Pharmaceuticals, Plastics, Fibers, Metals, Ceramics, Biotechnology Products, etc.
Facilities and Equipment
TeachingThe chemical engineering department uses all the theoretical and practical knowledge of the faculty members to prepare students for professional work in the fields of chemical engineering and to continue their education at higher levels. Training of innovative and entrepreneurial graduates who are sensitive to the impact of their professional activities on the environment, safety and health of citizens is the policy of the chemical engineering department. In this regard, it provides countless opportunities to students and graduates by implementing valuable and practical research projects and effective communication between students and the industry. The Department of Chemical Engineering makes a continuous effort to raise the scientific level of students in this field by holding theory classes, laboratories and practical workshops, scientific visits to factories and related industries, and holding national seminars and conference.
ResearchOur faculty members are researchers and authors who specialize in chemical engineering topics including chemical process design, separation processes, environment and biotechnology, transport phenomena. They include experienced and young researchers familiar with new technologies who are interested in using their knowledge and expertise in the field of chemical engineering education.