Department of Civil Engineering

Facilities and Equipment

Construction Materials Laboratory
This laboratory is equipped to train students in courses related to construction materials, as well as graduate students' research on the characteristics and performance of concrete.
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Structural Engineering Laboratory
These laboratories support research and teaching activities of the Structural Engineering Programs. The equipment available in this laboratory includes pipe test jack machine, concrete pressure and tension test, concrete fatigue test, concrete impact test, bar bending test, truss test and stiffness test.
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Geotechnical Laboratory
The laboratory of soil mechanics and foundation at University of Guilan aims to characterize the fundamental soil mechanical and physical properties and also to examine the response of the soils under both monotonic and cyclic loadings. The laboratory is very well equipped which allows the undergraduate and graduate students to carry on their research works from basic soil tests to high research levels on physical modeling of the complex geo-structures. The educational part of the laboratory is equipped with conventional devices letting to conduct the basic experiments namely Grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, Oedometer consolidation test, Direct shear test, Constant and falling head permeability tests, Triaxial test, as well as Unconfined compressive test. The geotechnical research center located in the same division is fitted out with large-scale direct shear apparatus, bender element device, large-scale shaking table including laminar box and also tall oedometer device providing the graduate students to carry on high quality researches on wide ranges of soils and geo-composites.
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Asphal Binder and Mixture Laboratory
The Asphalt Binder and Mixture Laboratory is equipped for the purpose of training undergraduate students in pavement laboratory course and graduate students for the purpose of their thesis research. This laboratory is equipped with Marshal, Universal Testing Machine and Semi-Circular Beam devices in order to investigation the performance of optimum asphalt binder, fatigue, rutting, resilient modulus mixture, fracture and low temperature cracking of and moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures.
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Surveying & Geomatics Engineering Laboratory
This laboratory was established with the purpose of enabling Civil Engineering students to practice field surveying techniques using equipment ranging from traditional levels for topography and altimetry projects to the latest electronic equipment such as Total Station and GPS for measuring distances, horizontal and vertical angles and elevations in topographic works, as well as for solution of application to get and implement the three-dimensional coordinates in road, building & Construction Projects..
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TeachingMission of Civil Engineering department is to promote engineering knowledge through creative and innovative research and to educate our students to be engineering leaders and to solve complex civil engineering problems. Our department members are dedicated to provide our students with a basis for life-long learning and for successful collaboration as productive, ethical team members. The department of Civil Engineering is an exciting place full of intellectual vitality. The research and academic programs emphasize the cutting-edge science and technology, applications to the civil engineering infrastructure and systems, environmental awareness, and leadership in the civil and environmental engineering profession.
ResearchConcrete Research Quarterly Journal has been established since 2008 and Dr. Ali Sadrmomtazi has been its editor-in-chief and director-in-Charge.
Concrete Research Journal covers below categories:
• Novelties and innovations in concrete technology
• Concrete structures
This journal has been receiving online articles and other requirements since late 2014. There is neither processing nor publication charge assumed. In addition, the journal is regularly uploaded to the website, and articles in press are uploaded on the site.
After modifications in review procedures of journal, the average processing time for final decision about submitted manuscript has been decreased to less than 3 months. -