Department of Graphic


Graphic Department is one of the five departments of the Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Guilan. this training group strives to teach the theoretical and practical foundations  design  and technical aspects of areas such as press design and printing works, visual advertising, visual information, Digital Design, Environmental Design Graphics, Interactive Design, Packaging Design  Provides a strong and creative space. In this course, creative and critical thinking will be promoted so that students are prepared to enter the competitive marketplace in the field, as well as to familiarize and understand cultural values. Graphic department was established in 2005. In 2019, Study field of art research has been established in University of Guilan which aims is to strengthen the theoretical and analytical framework of this field and gain practical expertise, as well as to recognize new and efficient arenas.

Majors and Programs

This department currently has 235 students and so far 144 people have been graduated in this department.                  The average period of art research Master is 2 years which consists of 4 semesters and each semester includes 16 weeks with a total of 32 units (required and elective).
  •  Graphics (B.Sc.)

    Graphics (B.Sc.)
  • Art Research (M.A)

    Art Research (M.A)

Facilities and Equipment

  • Teaching

    Graduates of this field, can participate in educational fields (education and other cultural and educational centers) and work in the field of creating and criticizing works of art. Teaching in this field is based on learning in small groups, individual training and group work.

    Courses taught in this workshop:

    Basics of graphics: increasing students' sensitivity to visual elements and color and understanding the rules governing them

    Page Layout: Getting to know and acquire skills in page layout and its application in graphic design

    Imagery: creating the necessary skills to recognize and implement different imaging techniques, both manual and digital

    Sign design

    Poster design

    Packaging Design

    Environmental graphic design

    Motion graphic design

    Advertising design

    Design for virtual space

    Visual identity design

    The activities of manual printing workshops briefly include:

    Xylography printing includes activities such as embossed prints, which are engraved with special caves for any material, such as wood or linoleum, etc., which after compound engraving with rollers are placed on the engraved plate (stereotype) and placed by the press machine in color with several Stereotype or monochrome is printed. Each print must be reproduced in the desired number with equal quality and value, or it must be done as mono print and unique.

    halcography printing (Chalcography) includes activities such as gravure prints that are engraved with special engraving caves on metals such as iron, aluminum, zinc, brass, plexiglass and copper (preferably copper and plexiglass in this workshop) directly or indirectly (using Corrosives such as acid) is done and then inking on the cliché is printed on a special gravure printing cardboard by a press machine in color with several clichés and monochrome with a cliché of equal quality and value in the desired number and reproduced or in unique form print the manuscript.

    Serigraphy printing includes activities such as printing with a stencil, where the desired design is transferred on the stencil mesh by photographic method. The prepared stereotype can be printed in color with several stencils or monochromatic with one stencil of equal quality and value in the desired number with special colors and materials on paper, glass, ceramic, stone, fabric, plastic, etc. Or it can be printed as unique and mono print.

    An example of silo graphy printing:

  • Research

    The faculty members of the Graphic department are interested in research in their specialized field, and these researches are often done in the form of presenting articles in domestic and international conferences and seminars, as well as in the form of guidance for students' final projects.
  • Publication

    Journal of Interdisciplinary Research of Art

    The book " Iranian Ideengarhai authored by Dr. Hossein Abeddoost, Assistant Professor of Graphics Department, was published by Gilan University Press.This book has studied the emergence of linear symbols in ancient Elamite culture.  

    The cover image of six sides of art magazine designed by students of graphic 

Academic Members

Hosein Abeddoust, Ph.D.
Head of Department
Associate Professor
Home Page
Bahram Hamidi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Home Page
Rasoul  Parvari  Moghadam, M.A.
Assistant Professor
Home Page
Marzieh Taraji, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Home Page
Fereshteh Mottaghi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Home Page
