Department of Horticultural Sciences

The Department of Horticultural Sciences exists to improve the quality of life through teaching, research, and extension programs related to the aesthetic disciplines of horticulture and the production of high quality, healthful fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants and ornamental plants. We invite you to learn more:
Facilities and Equipment
TeachingUnderstanding and learning horticultural knowledge and applying it to sustainable development depends not only on the knowledge itself, but also on how it is taught and studied. Here at the University of Guilan, through our research and teaching, we strive for a critical and ethical approach to the natural environment and society's relationship with it. Teaching methods include fieldwork, lectures, seminars, small-group learning, individual tutorials and group work.
ResearchOur faculty members are researchers and authors with expertise in various horticultural crop. They are often young researchers familiar with new technologies who are interested in using their knowledge and expertise in teaching horticulture.
Research Groups:
• Vegetable breeding
• Kiwifruit society
• Tissue culture
• Medicinal plant
Main Research:
• Vegetable breeding
• Kiwifruit breeding
• Tissue culture -
PublicationNovel research in Horticultural sciences (NRHS) has been an academic journal of the Department of Horticultural sciences at the University of Guilan, since 2022. The NRHS is a scientific journal for the dissemination of both theoretical and applied research. It publishes papers from across the entire subject of horticultural related issues, with particular reference to novel research in horticultural crop production, physiology and breeding.