Department of Soil Science

Department of Soil Science and Engineering (Former Soil Science) started its activities with accepting bachelor students in 1986-87. The purpose of setting up this field was to train and educate the required experts in agriculture with the expertise of soil science, research and production of science in different fields of soil science. At the bachelor of this field, various aspects of soil science are taught to students, including soil genesis, evolution, classification and evaluation, soil chemistry and fertility and plant nutrition issues, soil physics and soil, water, plant relationship, identification of erosion and the ways of soil conservation, soil contamination with emphasis on environmental protection, soil biology and the role of biological agents in soil quality in theory and practice.
Facilities and Equipment
TeachingThe soil science department through the teaching of the nature of soils by the study of soil organisms, their interactions with other components of soil and understanding the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of soil and applied other expert instruction will equip students to solve problems in soils, plant, and environment.
ResearchOur department’s research mission includes a wide range of studies about:
soil chemistry and cycling of elements, sustainability of ecosystems, soil biology and biogeochemistry, soil fertility and plant nutrition, soil physics and pedohydrology, soil quality assessment and monitoring, soil genesis and classification, digital soil mapping, soil organic matter, environmental modeling to understand soil constraints to agricultural/environmental systems, soil-water-plant relationships, management of salt-affected soils, submerge soils and polluted soils, remediation of contaminated soil, fate of heavy metals. -