Department of Sport injury and Corrective exercise

The Specialized field of this group is to prevent and control the sport injuries. The main purpose of this field is to design a program to return the injured athletes to sport. The other purpose is static and dynamic evaluation of the body alignment and mal alignment correction.furthermore, it paid to elderly and disabled people sports under the title of adapted physical education
Facilities and Equipment
The department’s facilities include a comprehensive library in English and Persian versions, a computer center, classrooms equipped with educational facilities such as video projection, sport halls and a specialized laboratory for sports pathology, corrective movements and sports biomechanics with equipment such as motion analyzer, force plate and EMG.
TeachingCourses offered by the department of sports injuries and corrective exercises are taught in both theoretical and practical approaches. Some courses such as internships are held in other places rather than the faculty of sport sciences, such as public nursing home in Rasht, under the supervision of the department professors. After going through the administrative procedures, students will be introduced to different centers in Rasht or other cities to complete their projects and theses.
Research1. Studying and examining the weaknesses and abnormalities of bones, muscles and joints systems
2. Examining, designing and presenting programs for the prevention and elimination of some physical abnormalities
3. Designing lifestyle modification programs and daily activities
4. Designing and presenting posture correction programs
5. Investigating and studying the fields of sports for the disabled and providing solutions to facilitate it
6. Studying and presenting ways of working and helping the independence and lifestyle of people with special needs -