Department of Textile Engineering

Department of textile engineering at the University of Guilan is one of the leading program for the textile education across the country. The department has offered the undergraduate degree since 1994 and the M.S. degree since 2004 and the PhD since 2011 in the field of Textile Chemistry and Fiber Science.
Since 2013 and by expansion of the department lab facilities, the undergraduate and graduate programs are offered now in Textile Engineering to fulfill the broad range of textile sciences from traditional manufacturing to technical and industrial textiles, including but not limited to Fiber Science, Textile Chemistry and Color, Nano-Fibrous Structures, and Textile Technology.
The department of Textile Engineering is connected to the industry through several lab facilities and research services. The facilities and services are categorized as follows:
- Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Fibers (Micro/Nano) and Fibrous Structures
- Textile Chemistry (Dyeing, Printing, Finishing)
- Textile Technology (Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Nonwoven)
- Smart Textiles, Medical Textiles, Composites, Wastewater Treatment.
Facilities and Equipment
Fiber Physics Lab
Equipped with various equipment for evaluating physical properties of fiber, yarn and fabrics
Go SomewhereFiber Chemistry Lab
Equipped with various equipment for evaluating chemical properties of fiber, yarn and fabrics and chemicals including DSC. FTIR, UV. Vis spectrophotometer, Colorimeter
Go SomewhereFinishing and Printing Lab
Equipped with various equipment for Dyeing, Printing and Finishing of textiles including Thermosol, Stenter and printing screens and equipment
Go SomewhereNanofiber and electrospinning Lab
Equipped with various equipment for fiber and nanofiber spinning machines including electrospinning and wet spinning machines
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