Department of Urban Planning and Design

Department of urban planning and design is located in the second floor of the faculty of art and architecture. This department has started its activities in collaboration with TU Berlin and Shahid Beheshti University since 2004. Currently, the department has 5 full-time faculty members and 259 students.
Main achievements of the department:
• International collaborations of student exchange program with Department of Urban Planning of TU Berlin (2004-2009).
• Establishment of phD program of Urban Planning and Design.
• Establishment of three graduate programs including; Unban Planning in 2011, and Regional Planning in 2016, Urban design 2021
• Establishment of research center for Spatial Planning.
• Publication of academic journal of Danesh-e Sharsazi (Science of Urban Planning Knowledge).
• Organizing various national and international workshops on urban planning issues.
• Cooperation with different Municipality of the province and other government organization working on urban affairs.
Facilities and Equipment
TeachingThe aim of the Department is to give students a definite background as an expert of planning, design and management of the urban community. The courses offered here are designed to help meet with the widespread needs for specially-educated manpower in urban planning and design.
The aim of the courses in this field is to train the students for physical planners who have a comprehensive knowledge and an ability in various engineering fields required for urban planning such as civil engineering, architecture and building science, environmental engineering, social science, and data analysis. Intensive studio works are provided in which the students learn how to design building complexes, individual communities and regions. The studio works include collection of urban data, analysis of the collected data, projections of urban structures and construction of physical models. -
ResearchMain mission of this department is to improve the level of research acitivities in both qualitative and quantitative perspective, development of research infrastructure, improvement of innovation and enterpreneurship and commercialization of research findings based on society needs.
Research groups:
• Urban planning
• Urban design
Research areas:
• Urban public spaces
• Urban transportation
• Environmental issues
• Heritage conservation
• Urban housing
• Spatial planning
• Urban conservation
• City branding
• Urban governance
• Neighborhood planning
• Urban management
• Regional planning
• Spatial planning -
PublicationUrban planning knowledge journal (UPK)
Expansion of urban settlements and emergence of new problems in these areas has created the necessity of development of research in urbanism and urban studies. For this reason Department of Urban Planning and Design has started publishing UPK since 2017. This journal is recognized as a scientific journal by the certificate of Iran Ministry of science and Research.
UPK publishes manuscripts in different subjects related to urbanism including; urban planning, urban design, regional planning, urban management, disaster management, urban landscape, urban identity and environmental psychology.
Please click here to visit UPK's website.